Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Patio Plot of Potted Plants

 My patio plot of potted plants is doing ok. Since this is my first year to garden strictly out of pots I have been met with a few challenges. One being, they need more "food" during the hot weather. Since I am trying to go strictly organic and REFUSE to use "Miracle Grow" which kills all the friendly bacteria
 and good "friendly" garden insects, I have chosen fish emulsion as my supplemental food and eggshell water. Well, that and my faithful standby, mushroom compost.(which isn't organic, but I'm sure by the time the heat has broken it down I would hope there wouldn't be too many harmful effects left.) It sure made for beautiful gardens back home in Oklahoma. 

So pictured here is my tiny bounty I picked this morning. :) Not pictured is the second round of huge comfrey leaves I have drying in the basement and a large handful of basil leaves which are now sitting in a glass of water in the fridge for tonight's fresh basil rolls. *mouth watering even now at the thought*

I sure miss my huge gardens and flowers beds back home but this is the hand that has been dealt to me now, so I am enjoying these few, small, simple pleasures of my patio plot. Truly, gardening veggies in pots is far more challenging than in my large plots of ground, but I'm not complaining. This venture is teaching me new things every day. So....I'm off to plant a mixed variety of exotic lettuces to hopefully enjoyed in a few short weeks. As Alfred Austin, English Poet Laureate"The garden that I love" 1905, once said, " There is no gardening without humility. Nature is constantly sending even it's oldest scholars to the bottom of the class for some egregious blunder." *I smile thinking,* There's hope for me.

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